#: locale=en
## Tour
### Description
tour.description = Port Natal Maritime Museum
### Title
tour.name = PNMMU
## Skin
### Button
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## Media
### Title
panorama_21855225_336D_460F_41A7_B2098A62664B.label = around Ulundi
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## Popup
### Body
htmlText_27B20E15_3365_7E0F_41A6_9FD2BC266255.html = One of the last remaining steam powered tugs in South Africa, the JR More was built in 1961 by Ferguson Bros. Shipbuilders Ltd in Glasgow for the South African Railways & Harbours Administration (now Transnet)
htmlText_45F3C24C_584E_9F60_41C5_C80481F401C9.html = At 91 years old the Ulundi is the oldest surviving pilot tug in South Africa. Built by Henry Robb Ltd in 1927, the Ulundi was first deployed to Algoa Bay in the Eastern Cape, before being bought by the South African Railway Administration in 1935, who put her to service as a pilot tug and tow boat in Durban Harbour. She was later used to transport labourers around the harbour, before being retired in 1982.
htmlText_6F142EDC_7F83_D729_41DB_12E5A35DAD31.html = The Ulundi was retired from service in 1982, but during her working life she would have played the important role of ferrying maritime pilots out to the large ships which were wanting to enter the harbour, as well guiding the ships through the harbour mouth.
At 91 years old the Ulundi is the oldest surviving pilot tug in South Africa. Built by Henry Robb Ltd in 1927, the Ulundi was first deployed to Algoa Bay in the Eastern Cape, before being bought by the South African Railway Administration in 1935, who put her to service as a pilot tug and tow boat in Durban Harbour. She was later used to transport labourers around the harbour, before being retired in 1982. All 75 feet (23 metres) of her now sits proudly on display at the Durban Maritime Museum.
### Title
window_45FD7247_584E_9F60_41CF_6D9064390E47.title = The Ulundi
window_6F6A3EDC_7F83_D729_41C3_014EAC0F2C2E.title = THE ULUNDI
## Hotspot
### Tooltip
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FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7F57B8AD_6956_A4F6_41A9_8B0A4A607354.toolTip = Go to next view
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7F763FB5_6957_9CD7_41D5_98348A311CD3.toolTip = Go to previous view
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_24A9A5BA_336C_C205_41BB_5E4CBCD2E130.toolTip = Go to entrance
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2591AC8B_3364_C21B_41C9_11130EC30330.toolTip = Click on ship
## Action
### URL
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